Growing up...
in the streets of Los Angeles, a young Billy Davenport's musical journey began at the age of 9. After seeing how much music heavily influenced Billy, a neighborhood friend Andrew Justin, showed him how to structure his rhymes into songs and a young “Smokey Robinson†(as called by DJ Battlecat) was born.
BOX was born.
He became an Original Good Lifer rhyming on stage weekly with Freestyle Fellowship, The Pharcyde, and all of underground hip hop Los Angeles. BOX’s rhyming and beatboxing skills soon granted him studio time with The LA Dream Team, the late Johnny J (known for producing the late 2Pac and Candyman’s Knockin’ The Boots), DJ Battlecat, & DJ Quik. It was then that BOX would win a talent show at Ice T’s United Nations nightclub which led to a recording contract with PWL / Mercury / Polygram. At the same time, BOX was to start working on LA’s We’re All In The Same Gang project but his new contract prevented it.
In his high school years,
BOX dropped his first album
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