Lee Ricks - Break Neks

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Break Neks Lee Ricks



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Discover Lee Ricks!

Born in 1980 in Smithfield, North Carolina, Lee Ricks has always been a believer in making good music with a special place in his heart for hip-hop music. Over the years Lee Ricks has lived in many different states including New Mexico, California, Minnesota, North Dakota, and most recently in Colorado. In 8th grade he started a mobile Dj service for local events and that business is what ultimately led him to start freestyling with some friends in the garage of his Carlsbad home. As Lee Ricks started to rhyme in more public settings he started to receive positive feedback from the spectators which led him to start writing original compositions. “It’s something inside my soul that overwhelms me until it’s released through my rhyming,” says Lee Ricks. Lee Ricks has a diverse taste in music but says that Bob Marley is the most inspirational musician to him because of the amount of love put into his music and for his uncompromising ability to be himself.

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